*Kitt Peak*
Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO), part of the National Optical Astronomy
Observatory (NOAO), supports the most diverse collection of astronomical
observatories on Earth for nighttime optical and infrared astronomy and daytime
study of the Sun. Founded in 1958, KPNO operates three major nighttime
telescopes, shares site responsibilities with the National Solar Observatory and
hosts the facilities of consortia which operate 19 optical telescopes and two
radio telescopes. Kitt Peak is located 56 miles southwest of Tucson, AZ, and has
a Visitor Center open daily to the public. http://www.noao.edu/kpno/
Soak up some culture from south of the border by taking a drive to Nogales,
Sonora, Mexico. Great shopping, food, mariachis and colorful architecture only
about 40 miles from Green Valley. Touristas may bring $400 worth of goods from
Mexico duty-free, and many prescription drugs are considerably cheaper to
purchase in Mexico; however, you must have a U.S. prescription and drugs not
approved in the United States will not be allowed across the border. For more
information call 800-4SONORA. http://www.thenogaleschamber.com/Portal/VisitingMexico/AdayinNogalesSonora/tabid/72/Default.aspx
The “town too tough to die” is an easy ride from Green Valley. A great place to
learn about the Old West, Tombstone’s many attractions include the world’s
largest rosebush—according to the Guinness Book of World Records—lots of
historic buildings and, of course, the famous O.K. Corral and Boothill Cemetary. http://www.tombstone.org/
Once one of the world’s richest mineral sites, today the beautiful copper mining
town of Bisbee offers visitors several museums, galleries, gift shops,
restaurants and lots of historic sights to see. An easy and beautiful drive from Green Valley http://bisbeearizona.com/content/
*Sonoita, Elgin, Patagonia: Arizona Wine & Movie Country*
Most visitors to the area are surprised to learn there is such a thing as an
“ Arizona wine country”. Once discovered, they are even more surprised to learn
that the wines are excellent, and even prize-winning. Look for Sonoita
Vineyards, Elgin Vineyards, Callaghan Vineyards, Rancho Rosa Vineyards and
Arizona Vineyards; all worth a taste (but perhaps not all on the same trip).
And, more than 50 movies have been filmed in the area, including “Red River” and
“ Oklahoma.” Kino Springs (between Patagonia and Nogales) was home to Stewart
Granger, whose not infrequent guest was John Wayne. Take a car trip to the other
side of the Santa Ritas to experience a bit of Arizona unlike any other.